Some Fall Activities Caleb Visit, North RIm Grand Canyon, Visit to Seattle
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The only barrel cactus that I've seen close to town, in Cove Wash | | Another Warm Showers, guest, Jacob from France |
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With Caleb, Spring Creek | | The cactus I dug up locally in the neighborhood bloomed! |
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At the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Wow, what views! | |
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|  | |  | Visiting Seattle - Jean and I had lunch with our old neighbor Dave | | Jean makes the most amazing appetizer plates! |
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|  | |  | The kayak trip to Vashon Island. The water was so rough we ended up not kayaing back, and were lucky enough to get help arranging for the kayaks from Keith | | Blueberry picking with Jean and Kelly! |
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|  | |  | Hiking with Jean and Linda, Olalaie Lake | |
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|  | |  | | | Visiting with Gina, Bellevue Botanical Garden |
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|  | |  | We found this Cornelian cherry tree (id'd thanks to an app), that's edible, and in the dogwood family. Tasted pretty good! Always good to find a new fruit. | |
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|  | |  | At the rodeo in Enumclaw | |
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|  | |  | A smokey sunset from Laura's house | | Big guard at the Nike Store, Factoria mall |
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|  | | | Visiting Chris and Judy - they have the cutest little casita trailer | | | | | | | |