At the Grossmuenster Cathedral, instead of brochures they had these huge (about 2 feet long) boards with information about the cathedral, and things to find. Very well done, plus with them this large, there's no chance of people taking them. | |
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|  | |  | | | At the Zurich Zoo - mother gorilla with baby |
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|  | |  | Neat set of fountains, including a place for dogs to drink | |
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|  | |  | View of Grossmuenster cathedral | | Flea Market. Kenny found lots of stands that sold crystals, which he's very interested in right now. |
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|  | |  | We found a cute little beach on the lake, and I let the kids splash a bit. Peter fell in, as I should have expected, but I got a good picture of him drying off | |
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|  | |  | They have some awesome playground in Zurich. The swings were much longer, and went up much higher | | A little restaurant near the Viaduct park |
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|  | |  | The kids and I took the train up to Rocher de Naye, a peak above Montreaux. Here you can see the Chateaux Chillon in the distance | |
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|  | |  | Kenny was a lot more eager to climb these knife edge trails than I was to let him | |
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|  | |  | We had a bit of a view the first few hours, but then things clouded over | | You could spend the night in a yurt here. But after seeing them, I'm glad I didn't - they were right in the middle of the main tourist path, and people were constantly all around them. Here's the inside |
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|  | |  | They had marmot enclosures here | | The view is supposed to be breathtaking here... |
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|  | |  | This is looking straight down - I was on my stomach | |
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|  | |  | | | We saw this old ruined farmhouse on the train ride down | | | | | | | |