Winter/Spring 2010 Weekend at the beach, a day in the life, bike rides, zoo trips, Easter,
Kenny and I went with Ilana and Benji and a number of her friends and their sons, to a seaside vacation home near Hansville, WA. We were lucky to have one very sunny day. The kids enjoyed themselves a lot, and so did the moms! | |
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|  | |  | | | Awesome rope swing! |
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|  | |  | We went hunting for geocaches, and actually found one. | |
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|  | |  | | | Kenny did the YMCA Pinewood Derby |
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|  | |  | | | A "Day in the Life" of Peter and Kenny - just like I did many years ago when it was just Kenny. Kenny usually wakes up very early and comes and hangs out in the living room with me. |
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|  | |  | Peter, waking up | |
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|  | |  | Kenny, playing around whiel getting dressed | | The kids get to watch a show on TV while I work out |
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|  | |  | Peter loves the rope swing | | Picking today's clothes |
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|  | |  | Kenny is helping Peter get dressed, but it's not going so well | | More playing |
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|  | |  | | | It's cereal today...usually we have oatmeal |
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|  | |  | Peter being funny | | It's a phone! |
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|  | |  | Kenny and I went swimming at the Coal Creek YMCA | | Peter down for a nap |
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|  | |  | Kenny and I went for a bike ride to Seward Park during Peter's nap. I rode the scooter. Snacks are always a high point of these outings. | |
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|  | |  | | | Bedtime... |
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|  | |  | At Woodlawn Park Zoo | |
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|  | |  | | | Really cute shots of Peter |
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|  | |  | | | Peter got a little wet playing with the fountains at University Village |
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|  | |  | | | Sledding at Snoqualmie Pass |
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|  | |  | Easter! Kids got an easter basket at home, and then went on an easter egg hunt in Corrie's neighborhood | |
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|  | |  | Kenny wrestling with his old daycare friend Tristan | | Eric visiting Dinarte at what's basically a mall at Microsoft |
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|  | |  | Kenny went to the UK International Soccer Camp over spring break. He absolutely loved it. | |
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|  | |  | At the Bellevue Botanical Gardens, and the playground nearby | |
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|  | |  | Robot fun | | Biking on the Cedar River trail in Renton. It's nice for about half a mile, then its a boring trail right next to a busy road. |
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|  | |  | Bye, bye, bed. We sold Kenny's bed on craigslist to make room for a bunk bed for him and Peter | | Peter LOVES puzzles! |
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|  | |  | Kenny and a toy | | A butterfly landed on my back in the butterfly garden at the Pacific Science Center. He was a little tattered, though. |
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|  | |  | Kenny picked up this star wars mask from the free box at a local garage sale. He was thrilled! | |
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|  | |  | We had our peps friends over to our house for dinner. Baby Victor is there too! | | Having a kids table is NICE! |
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|  | |  | Kenny and Eric went to Camp Orkila with the Y Guides | |
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|  | |  | | | Mom and Peter at the Kelsey Creek Farm Fair |
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|  | |  | | | Later that evening we had some friends over for a potluck |
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|  | |  | And Peter and I went on a bike ride on the Sammamish River Trail/Burke Gilman trail, where it changes to the Burke Gilman Trail | |
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|  | |  | Peter is just so cute | | He's a good kicker too. |
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|  | |  | Kenny and I went to an elementary school garage sale in Kirkland, and bought so much cool stuff! | | At Luther Burbank Park - it doesn't show up well in this picture, but the water rushed out here, making something like a blowhole |
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|  | |  | Kenny talking about playing the Star Wars Lego video game | | Nice sunset |
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|  | |  | Mother's Day celebration at Kenny's kindergarten glass. Good thing I came - I think there was only one child whose mother was not able to come. | |
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|  | |  | | | Kenny's class, singing a song |
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|  | |  | Kenny and his teacher, Ms. Schwartz | |
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|  | |  | We went to the Mima Mounds Natural Area, south of Olympia. Kenny enjoyed using this Scotch Broom puller | | This cool structure is designed to look like one of the mounds |
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|  | |  | Camas was all over the place. Apparently it was a big food source for the indians | | A Rolly Polly had the bad luck to be found by Peter |
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|  | |  | The light wasn't that good, so it's hard to see the mounds very well | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |