Hawaii! Dinarte's birthday bash in Maui, and a side trip to the Big Island
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Our room at the Four Seasons | | Kenny in the pool |
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Kenny drinking | | Hula dancers |
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Dinarte does the hula too | | Haleakala |
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Haleakala - base of crater | | Middle of crater |
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Eric hiking | | Base of Halemau trail |
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Windsurfers at Ho'okipa beach | | Kenny gets slathered with sunblock |
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Kilauea crater at Volcanoes National Park | | Ocean at Volcanoes National Park |
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Hale'maumau crater | | Kenny gets a ride |
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Steam bluffs | | Steam is hot |
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Pheasant mating dance | | Kenny got his very own infant boarding pass on the flight to Honolulu |
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There's plenty of leg room in first class... | | We forgot toys for the flight over, so I put some pennies and a flower into a water bottle for Kenny as a rattle. |
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Tom and Lisa | | Chuck and Erik |
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Jonathan and Lucy | | Sean and Joe |
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Sylvia, Kenny and Eric | | Honolulu |
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The view from our room at the Four Seasons | | A very nice welcoming cheese platter |
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They had a little gift package for Kenny, including swim diapers | | They also spelled out his name in little sponges next to the tub! |
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The view on the beach - black volcanic rock, and white coral, that will at some point in the future become sand | | Dinner at the Pacific Grill |
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We loved the hotel | | Breakfast buffet - yummy! |
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Kenny gets to try some papaya | | Kenny in his swim diapers |
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Kenny and mommy at the pool | |
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|  | |  | Kenny plays waiter at poolside, with one of the little iced cloths they hand out. | | Beautiful grounds |
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|  | |  | | | You could exercise if you wanted to (we didn't) |
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|  | |  | View from the club level patio | |
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|  | |  | Fresh arrangements in the lobby | | The reading area at the club level lounge |
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|  | | | Another view from our patio | |
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| At the birthday party. Not all of these photos are ours.
|  | |  | The setting | | Everyone got "leied" |
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|  | |  | Erik, Steve and Maria, Dinarte's sister | | Eric taking pictures of everyone's leis |
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|  | |  | The man himself - Dinarte with a very stylish lei | | Every guest got a gorgeous lei. We took pictures of most of them. |
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|  | |  | Chuck | | Lisa |
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|  | |  | Steve | | Tom |
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|  | |  | Sean | | Lucy |
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|  | |  | Erik | | Joe |
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|  | |  | John | | Jonathan |
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|  | |  | Eric | | Maria |
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|  | |  | The group picture | | John and Dinarte |
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|  | |  | Sylvia, Dinarte and Eric | | Joe, Dinarte and Sean |
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|  | |  | Lisa and Tom | | Steve and Maria |
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|  | |  | Sylvia and Eric | | Lucy and Jonathan |
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|  | |  | The gays | | The guys |
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|  | |  | The gals | | We had no bow for Dinarte's present, so we substituted flowers. |
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|  | |  | Beautiful sculpted ice Happy Birthday sign. | | The "over the hill" birthday cake |
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|  | |  | | | The hula show was top-notch. |
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|  | |  | | | Eric gettin' down |
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|  | |  | Dinarte surrounded by hula dancers | |
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|  | |  | Dinarte and John with the hula dancers, after the show. | | Lucy with a palm headdress |
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|  | |  | These were the most scrumptious little cakes. The one on the far left had its topping licked off by a stray cat. | | The next day, we drove to Haleakala National Park, and did a hike down the Sliding Sands trail, and up the Halemau trail. Some views from the drive up. |
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|  | |  | | | Science city, on the top of Haleakala, where all the observatories are |
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|  | |  | There was a group riding horse about to go down the mountain as well - luckily they took a long time to get going, so we never saw them in the crater. As a matter of fact, we saw nobody at all in the crater the whole day, except for 3 people that were walking out when we were about 15 minutes into the hike. | | Views of the crater |
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|  | |  | Thank goodness the weather started to get a little warmer here. At the top it was freezing cold and windy | |
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|  | |  | Our first view of the silversword plant | |
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|  | |  | | | Cool rocks everywhere...you could be on the moon! |
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|  | |  | | | The silversword in bloom |
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|  | |  | Starting to see a little bit of green again | | ...then we're back to black lava again... |
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|  | |  | Starting to get close to the Holua cabin | |
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|  | |  | At Holua cabin | |
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|  | |  | Looking for the old Halemau trail | | An old lava flow. The weather is starting to get foggy and drizzly |
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|  | |  | Reaching the base of the Halemau trail. | | Starting to see some huge ferns here, since there's so much more moisture around |
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|  | |  | The trail out is a very easy walk - gentle steady slope all the way up. | | Ohelo berries. I used to pick these all the time when I worked here. |
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|  | |  | Interesting "pyramid" visible from the trail | | Views from the trail up |
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|  | |  | This very expensive fence surrounds the park. It's meant to keep non-native animals (cats, goats, pigs) out. | | After finishing the hike, we had to hitchhike a ride back to our car, at the top of the mountain. It was COLD! Luckily we waited only 15 minutes - the 4th car picked us up. Maybe because I was jumping up and down, and waving. Eric was less enthusiastic. |
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|  | |  | I lived in both of these buildings when I worked at the park, in 1991/1992. | |
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|  | |  | Beautiful clouds on the drive down | | Stopped at a fruit stand to buy some guavas and loquats from a very friendly guy. |
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|  | |  | And then back to luxury at the Four Seasons! This was the evenings desert buffet | | Hanging out in the club lounge |
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|  | |  | | | Next mornings breakfast buffet |
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|  | |  | Dinarte and John spend a lot of time lounging at the pool | | Kenny followed their example |
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|  | |  | Eric got a foot massage the day after the hike. It felt good at the time, but didn't alleviate the soreness for very long. | | Afternoon tea - salmon sandwiches, roast duck sandwiches, and egg salad sandwiches |
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|  | |  | ...plus wonderful little tea cakes | | Hanging out at the beach with Kenny |
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|  | |  | | | Hors d'oeuvres that evening were chicken wings, lumpia, crab legs elegantly cut, gazpacho, and sushi |
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|  | |  | And the desert buffet included poached pears, little crepe thingies, cookies, chocolate truffle deserts, etc. | | We hung out in Paia on the way to the airport. It's a unique place, kind of a hippie town. Interesting signs at the local grocery. |
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|  | |  | The natural food grocery | | A world famous windsurfing beach is nearby |
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|  | |  | On the flight to the island of Hawaii | | Papaya tree |
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|  | |  | We took a very hot walk around noon near Kona - not a great idea. | | Kona village |
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|  | |  | Resting in the shade | | The Pu'ukohala Heiau - an old Hawaiian temple. |
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|  | |  | | | Hanging out at a park. |
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|  | |  | The area around Kona was a moonscape of black lava | | At Volcanoes National Park |
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|  | |  | Fern fiddleheads | | Thurston Lava Cave |
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|  | |  | Inside the cave | | Desolation Trail - one of the few stroller friendly trails around. It may have been desolated when the trail was first built years ago, but since then lots of vegetation has come up. |
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|  | |  | Ferns growing in the little cavities where I assume trees were. | | The view down to the crater |
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|  | |  | Interesting volcanic formations | |
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|  | |  | Kenny at an overlook | | At the end of the road, there's often lava flows visible in the distance, at least at night. Unfortunately, we saw nothing but old lava flows, which were still interesting. |
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|  | |  | We postulated that some hot lava may have hit this sign. | |
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|  | |  | | | At the park museum, we saw this rock pick covered in lava |
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|  | |  | View of the steam vents | | Kilauea Military Camp, where Eric spent some time with his family when he was a kid. There's lots of cottages where folks in the military can stay. |
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|  | |  | | | The steam bluffs were nearby |
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|  | |  | Pretty hot! | | Lehua tree |
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|  | |  | Kenny at the Volcano house, where we had dinner | | He slid off the high chair pretty quickly, so we fed him in his stroller |
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|  | |  | Walking around Kona | |
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|  | |  | Hibiscus in the rain | | The saddle road over the island. It was fresh and cool up here... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |