The setup. It looked like the object was to knock the stacks of plastic bins over, and push them into your opponents territory. | |
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|  | |  | In action | |
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|  | |  | Prepping for another match | |
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|  | |  | Referees conferring over a close call | |
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|  | |  | An additional object of the competition was for the robots to end up in the white area in the middle, and not allow other robots to get there. | | A close-up of some of the robots. |
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|  | |  | We did a geocache (first in about 4 months) at the University of Washington afterwards. It was a wetlands area we'd never been to before. | | Contents of the geocache |
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|  | | | Babysitting for Steve and Ilana on Sunday. Eric is holding Marina, and I'm holding Benjamin. | | | | | | | |